Our Values Are What Drives Us

At The People Experience Hub, we wholeheartedly embrace four core values that serve as our guiding principles, ensuring we stay on the right path.

The People Experience

Our Values

Hey! We are The People Experience Hub!

At The People Experience Hub, we have created an exceptional workplace that embodies passion, growth, connection, inspiration, and fun. Our unwavering commitment to improving work is the driving force behind our daily decision-making and sets the foundation for our achievements.


A group photo of our Sales and Marketing Team having breakfast

Our Lead Value

“Do The Right Thing” is our lead value, and when we talk about this internally, we think of it as follows:

Do the right thing for you (your health, your development etc.)

Do the right thing for your colleagues (Respect their time and their workload – have their back)

Do the right thing for our customers

Do the right thing for the environment and community we are in

We do not need to explicitly say, "Do the right thing for our business" if you are doing the above, you are already doing it!

A logo of our value do the right thing

Dream Big

This value inspires employees to think beyond limits, set ambitious goals, and strive for excellence. It encourages a growth mindset and out-of-the-box thinking. We are not the biggest business in the world, that is ok because we dream big!

a logo of our value dream big

Make It Happen

We give you permission to make it happen.

You can make it happen, you have the power to delight our customers, give back to our communities and take charge of any situation.

You have permission to make mistakes, we would rather you tried and failed than never tried at all.

Keep taking positive action to make it happen! (whatever ‘it’ is)

A logo of our value Make it Happen

Be Brave

This value encourages our people to be bold, take calculated risks, and embrace innovation and change. It fosters a culture of courage and resilience. Sometimes the world can be a daunting place, maybe it is new things you have never done before or maybe somewhere you have never been.

Take a breath, you can do this and know that we are here for you.

A logo of value be brave

Immerse yourself in VALUEble news

Our newsletter is a no-spam zone, you will only receive a newsletter once a month containing company updates, events and occasional photos of dogs

A screenshot of the form signing up to our newsletter