Measuring Moments that Matter gives you Valuable Feedback

Moments Lite provide insight at every key stage of an employee journey, from attracting candidates to retaining talent. They offer valuable feedback that aids in refining your processes, keeping your people engaged and transforming outgoing employees into potential brand advocates.

The People Experience

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Gather Feedback across the Employee Lifecycle

Getting feedback from your people throughout their journey with you will give you rich data and insights that will allow you to take action quickly.

A Great Start to the Journey

Get feedback on your hiring process to enable you to improve the candidate experience and enhance your employer brand at the start of their journey with you

Understand the Candidate Experience

Whether people are invited to an interview or not it's all about understanding the experience candidates have had through the recruitment process. Letting you continuously improve and design a better outcome for you and your potential employees

Develop Hiring Managers

First Impressions Matter

Inclusion at every step

Two people talking with some stylised graphics around them

Make Joining you the Start of Something Special

Build engagement and advocacy from day one because first impressions matter

Build Advocacy From Day One

Create an exceptional joining experience that reassures employees they've made the perfect choice and motivates them to enthusiastically spread the word.

Reduce New Joiner Turnover

Optimise The Joining Process

An image of an office with a woman standing up at her desk

Understand why your People Stay... and do it more!

If you want to improve retention then you have to understand why your people stay not just why they leave. Identify what you're doing well that your people value the most

Develop a More Targeted Management Approach

Understanding what drives positive intentions in specific employee segments, like diversity or high potential, allows tailor-made employee value propositions that unleash their full potential.

Make Sure People Are Staying For The Right Reasons

understand and develop your culture

A man in a hard hat and overalls with an example of an employee survey in the foreground

Last Impressions Matter

Improve retention, build advocacy among your leavers and enhance your employer brand by using exit interviews

Who is walking out of the door?

Employees Leaving Costs You Money - Simply put, every employee who chooses to leave creates a cost for your business. By better understanding what is pushing people to leave, you can make sure that you’re not throwing money away through unnecessary turnover.

Keep Key Talent

Turn leavers into advocates

Automate the Experience

People at work with a monitor in the foreground showing a heatmap

Book a time that suits you

Need a demo but short on time? No problem! Use our 'Book with us' button to book a time and date that suits you. One of our talented team with be in touch to confirm your slot.

News from Every Stage of our Journey in our Newsletter

Our newsletter is a no-spam zone, you will only receive a newsletter once a month containing company updates, events and occasional photos of dogs

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