Pulse Surveys Give the Data You Need, When You Need it​

Our Pulse Surveys are flexible, fast and focused surveys that provide real-time employee feedback on any aspect of the people experience. Along with easy-to-use analytics, they enable the insights you need, when you need them.

The People Experience

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Versatility at your Fingertips

Pulse surveys are a simple way to regularly check-in on your team's thoughts and feelings.

But their real power lies in their versatility, as a tool for gathering feedback on any topic, any time, enabling insights you need, when you need them.

Unleash the power of pulse surveys and up your employee engagement game like never before.

Screenshots of our platform containing product photos such as dashboards and analytics

A Powerful Source of Insight

There are no limits when it comes to your employees voice, conduct pulse surveys when your people need it most with our easy to use, customisable and secure employee feedback tools. Here are just a few examples of how pulse surveys can be used to….

Track Engagement Drivers

Monitor progress in between larger employee surveys by measuring a few key questions through pulse surveys at a frequency - monthly, quarterly or half yearly - that what works for you.

Take a Deeper Dive

Monitor Change

Track Actions

A lady using a phone with two large phones behind her with examples of an employee engagement survey

Flexibility: Use our Pulse Survey Templates or Create Your Own

Our templates are a great place to start, you can edit the questions, add to them or delete them to design the right survey for you Explore some of our templates below


Explore Diversity and Inclusion in your organisation to see what works and what might not

Employee Burnout

Worried about Burnout? This pulse shows you where issues may be brewing

Social Responsibility

Understand how effective your CSR approach is with your people

Employee Value Proposition

Measure your EVP and discover which areas to focus on, to become an employer of choice


Do you have a culture that promotes learning and growth? Find out where you could do more to enable it.


A culture of thank you is so important, so why not see where this is working and how people like to be recognised


Trust underpins so many positive relationships at work.
Quickly understand where trust may be an issue.


Our wellbeing pulse lets you explore 4 pillars of wellbeing so you can focus your time (and budget) in the right way

Understand your People Better

We can help you set up the right Pulse Surveys for you with our fully supported, customisable and easy to use platform - You can be up and running in no time at all!

Did you know Pulse Surveys are...

✅ Easy to setup and deploy

✅ Small targeted set of questions designed for a fast response

✅ Conducted on a regular basis

✅ Less time consuming than an Annual Survey

✅ Ideal for tracking and monitoring key trends

✅Secure and anonymous

A smiling man in shirt and tie infront of a mock up of an employee survey

End to end Support

We're committed to ensure that your Pulse surveys deliver the best results. We'll help you ask the right questions and take necessary steps to improve your People Experience.

Asking great questions​

We’ll ensure that you’re focused on the right things as defined by your strategic context, then help you ask precise, meaningful survey questions.​

Driving response rates

You can communicate the importance of your survey, in an engaging way, and remove any potential barriers to uptake. ​ ​

Turning data into actionable insights​

We are experienced in interpreting survey results, in their strategic context, performing deeper analyses and facilitating focus groups and action planning.​​​​

Additional Solutions

The People Experience Hub is split into modules for simplicity, so you can add, remove, or replace any module. Speak to our customer service team to find out more.

Action Planning

Start tracking actions against your Employee Feedback


Understand the Employee Lifecycle from Start to Finish

Keep your finger on the Pulse and sign up to our Newsletter

Our newsletter is a no-spam zone, you will only receive a newsletter once a month containing company updates, events and occasional photos of dogs

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